We take Safeguarding seriously. Our PCC's have agreed to adopt the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy as our own.
United Benefice of
St. Matthew, Haslington, St. Michael & All Angels Crewe Green, Christ Church Wheelock
email address for any safeguarding matters that need to be reported.
What we do...
We take Safeguarding seriously. At our PCC meetings in November 2015 we agreed to adopt the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy as our own.
We also take Privacy seriously. At our PCC meetings in 2018 we agreed to adopt and amend the Church of England "Parish Resource Recommendments" Data Protection Policy to suit our own requirements.
See Below for Current Events - Due to the current situation with Coronavirus most of the activities have ceased until the situation relaxes.
Wednesday Holy Communion takes place at St Michael's at 9.45am and at St Matthew's (BCP) at 10.45am
Our main weekly services take place each Sunday: See Home Page
Our Cameo Group A luncheon club for the bereaved and anyone else who, through circumstances, finds themselves alone. Thursdays 1.00 – 2.30pm in St. Matthew’s Church Hall. We welcome anyone from anywhere. Contact Viv Grunner (501538) or Pam Owen (587065).
We regularly visit our local nursing homes, Hollymere and Primrose House, including taking regular communion services there.
Our ministry team take home communion to those who find it difficult to attend church. If you know anyone who would like this, please contact The Wardens during the vacancy.
Bible Study
Regular Bible study takes place across our joint benefice.
Watch the notices for details of our current sessions.
Messy Church
Our next Messy Church is unknown due to the present situation with Coronavirus
See Below for details as and when the situation changes.
Check out our Facebook page for more details!
There is provision for children's ministry at all Sunday services.
We are developing good links with both our local schools and regularly lead school assemblies at Haslington Primary & The Dingle Primary.
An ecumenical team is leading Open the Book assemblies in both schools.
Uniformed organisations (Scouts, Cubs & Brownies) currently use St Matthew's Church Hall.
In partnership with Cheshire East Council and Wishing Well we are developing our Church Hall as a local Community Hub.
Our Wishing Well group meets every Wednesday from 11am - 1pm for social, craft and refreshments.
Further details can be found at http://www.wishingwellproject.com/
Mothers Union
Our Mothers' Union groups meet monthly on a wednesday afternoon at 2.15pm in St Matthew's Church Hall and on a Thursday evening at 7.45pm in various venues. Speak to Jane McCombie (01270 581769) for more details.