We take Safeguarding seriously. Our PCC's have agreed to adopt the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy as our own.

United Benefice of
St. Matthew, Haslington, St. Michael & All Angels Crewe Green, Christ Church Wheelock
email address for any safeguarding matters that need to be reported.
Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ, I hope it's been a good week and you've kept warm.
As we approach lent, please put in your diaries St Michael and All Angels', (Crewe Green), pancake coffee morning on Saturday 1st March, 10.00 am until noon. The opportunity to receive the imposition of ashes, on Ash Wednesday, wil be at St Matthew's, (Haslington), midweek communion, at 10.45 am. Everyone is welcome.
Please put in your diaries the Alpha course which I'll run from Thursday 24th April, 7.00pm, in St Matthew's church hall. We'll begin with a hot meal, then watch a video and chat/listen. This is our Confirmation preparation for people who'd like to be confirmed by Bishop Mark, the Bishop of Chester, on the revised date of 7th December, so please come if you're hoping to be confirmed. Alpha is also good for people who'd like to know more about Christianity, so please let your friends and family know, and maybe invite them and come with them.
The Lent course is from the York Course series, it's "On the third day", and is 5 sessions, beginning 5th March, 7.30 pm, at The Vicarage. Everyone is welcome.
Finally, a note for the people of St Michael & All Angels; this April both our Churchwarden, Nancy, and our Treasurer, Roy, are standing down from their roles; we thank them both for all that God has done through them and the great impact they've had on our church. For the church, this means we must fill these posts because both Churchwarden and Treasurer are vital to the functioning of our church, which means that we can't function without them. Please think and pray to know if God is calling you to be our next Churchwarden or Treasurer, and have a chat with Nancy or Roy if you'd like to know more.
With every blessing
Vicar Jane xx
Our Churches are Now Open
**St. Matthew's is open for the Sunday Morning service at 9:30am
also live streamed
Wednesday Morning at 10:45am for Holy Communion (BCP), **
**Christ Church is open for the Sunday Morning service and live streaming at 10:45am**
**St. Michael's is open for the Sunday Morning service at 11:00am
Wednesday Morning at 9:45am for Holy Communion**
Wednesday Holy Communion takes place at St. Michael's at 9:45am and St Matthew's (BCP) at 10:45am
St Matthew's Christ Church St Michael's
1st Sunday 9:30am: Holy Communion 10:45am: Family Service 11:00am: Morning Prayer
2nd Sunday 9:30am: Morning Prayer 10:45am: Morning Prayer 11:00am: Holy Communion
3rd Sunday 9:30am: Holy Communion 10:45am: Family Communion 11:00am: Morning Prayer
4th Sunday 9:30am: Morning Prayer 10:45am: Morning Prayer 11:00am: Holy Communion
4:30pm: Evensong
5th Sunday 10:30 Joint Benefice Service
Our Churches are Now Open
**St. Matthew's is open for the Sunday Morning service at 9:30am
also live streamed
Wednesday Morning at 10:45am for Holy Communion (BCP), **
**Christ Church is open for the Sunday Morning service and live streaming at 10:45am**
**St. Michael's is open for the Sunday Morning service at 11:00am
Wednesday Morning at 9:45am for Holy Communion**
Wednesday Holy Communion takes place at St. Michael's at 9:45am and St Matthew's (BCP) at 10:45am
St Matthew's Christ Church St Michael's
1st Sunday 9:30am: Holy Communion 10:45am: Family Service 11:00am: Morning Prayer
2nd Sunday 9:30am: Morning Prayer 10:45am: Morning Prayer 11:00am: Holy Communion
3rd Sunday 9:30am: Holy Communion 10:45am: Family Communion 11:00am: Morning Prayer
4th Sunday 9:30am: Morning Prayer 10:45am: Morning Prayer 11:00am: Holy Communion
4:30pm: Evensong
5th Sunday 10:30 Joint Benefice Service
Our Churches are Now Open
**St. Matthew's is open for the Sunday Morning service at 9:30am
also live streamed
Wednesday Morning at 10:45am for Holy Communion (BCP), **
**Christ Church is open for the Sunday Morning service and live streaming at 10:45am**
**St. Michael's is open for the Sunday Morning service at 11:00am
Wednesday Morning at 9:45am for Holy Communion**
Wednesday Holy Communion takes place at St. Michael's at 9:45am and St Matthew's (BCP) at 10:45am
St Matthew's Christ Church St Michael's
1st Sunday 9:30am: Holy Communion 10:45am: Family Service 11:00am: Morning Prayer
2nd Sunday 9:30am: Morning Prayer 10:45am: Morning Prayer 11:00am: Holy Communion
3rd Sunday 9:30am: Holy Communion 10:45am: Family Communion 11:00am: Morning Prayer
4th Sunday 9:30am: Morning Prayer 10:45am: Morning Prayer 11:00am: Holy Communion
4:30pm: Evensong
5th Sunday 10:30 Joint Benefice Service