We take Safeguarding seriously. Our PCC's have agreed to adopt the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy as our own.

United Benefice of
St. Matthew, Haslington, St. Michael & All Angels Crewe Green, Christ Church Wheelock
email address for any safeguarding matters that need to be reported.
Our Church Services,
Our Churches are Now Open
**St. Matthew's is open for the Sunday Morning service at 9:30am and Wednesday Morning at 11:00am for Morning Prayer, both services are live streamed**
**Christ Church is open for the Sunday Morning service and live streaming at 10:45am**
**St. Michael's is open for the Sunday Morning service at 11:00am**
Wednesday Holy Communion takes place at St Michael's at 9.45am and at St Matthew's (BCP) at 10.45am
St Matthew's Christ Church St Michael's
1st Sunday 8:00am: Holy Communion 10:45am: Family Service 11:00am: All Age Morning Prayer
9:30am: All Age Morning Prayer
2nd Sunday 9:30am: Holy Communion 10:45am: Morning Prayer 11:00am: Holy Communion
3rd Sunday 8:00am: Holy Communion 10:45am: Family Communion 11:00am: Morning Prayer
9:30am: Morning Prayer
4th Sunday 9:30am:Holy Communion 10:45am: Holy Communion 11:00am: Holy Communion
4:30pm: Evensong
5th Sunday