We take Safeguarding seriously. Our PCC's have agreed to adopt the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy as our own.

United Benefice of
St. Matthew, Haslington, St. Michael & All Angels Crewe Green, Christ Church Wheelock
email address for any safeguarding matters that need to be reported.
We have created a weekly newsletter (WoW) that is published on the website www.hcganglican.org on Saturday morning. Copies will be emailed to as many of the congregations as we can. This features a Bible reading, Prayers and a Reflection from Vicar Jane or one of the team across the Benefice.
At 9.30am on Sundays, St Matthews, Haslington and St Michael's Crewe Green, and at 10:45am Christ Church, we are live streaming a new service of Worship for ‘All the Church Family’. Please join us on our Facebook Page for this, and later if you missed the live stream on the website,
We have also introduced a United Benefice Evening Worship by phone every Tuesday at 7pm, you can join the group at 6:50pm and have a chat if you wish. This worship will be conducted by telephone, if you would like to join us, please send a private message or contact us by email with your name and contact number. This telephone service is free.
The Stations of the resurrection - 6 video reflections have been uploaded onto both Facebook pages and the webpage, https://www.hcganglican.org/station-ofthe-resurection based on the 19 stations of the resurrection.
Thy Kingdom Come. we have developed a series of daily prayers that have been published everyday from ascension through to Pentecost. These are a mix of prayer stations and daily prayers. The series has been saved, and can be found on the webpage, https://www.hcganglican.org/copy-of-thy-kingdom-come
Zoom meetings have been set up for Morning Prayer on Wednesday mornings at 9:00am and Bible Study on Thursday evenings at 7:20pm. If you are interested in joining any of the zoom or telephone meeting please send a private message or contact us by email with your name and contact number. Contacts for joining meetings:- Rev Jane: vicarjanelloyd@gmail.com
Carleton Morris: carletonkeeb@hotmail.co.uk
Services for Holy Week
5th April – Palm Sunday 9.30am Facebook live screening of service - Haslington & Crewe Green
10.45am Facebook live streaming of service - Wheelock
7.00pm Facebook pages prayers published, as a part of the Churches Together initiative, #PrayersOfHope
8th April – Wednesday 7.00pm United Benefice evening worship by telephone.
9th April – Maundy Thursday 7.30pm ‘Stripping the Altar with reflections from
Lamentations’ upload on Facebook and benefice website for
Haslington/ Crewe Green and Wheelock, produced by Revd Jane 7.30pm United Benefice Bible Study by telephone
10th April – Good Friday 10.00am ‘Stations of the Cross’ upload on Facebook and benefice website
for Haslington/ Crewe Green and Wheelock, produced by
Revd Jane.
11th April – Easter Eve 7.30pm United Benefice Easter Vigil by group telephone
12th April – Easter Day 9.30am Facebook live screening of service - Haslington & Crewe Green
10:45am Facebook live streaming of service – Wheelock
For the foreseeable future it is likely there will be NO SUNDAY or MIDWEEK SERVICES held in Church. We are now unable to keep our churches open for private prayer.
New Services Every Sunday 9.30 a.m. Morning Worship Live stream for St Matthew’s and St Michael’s and All Angels. 10.45 a.m. for Christ Church Morning Worship Live stream Every Wednesday 7 p.m. for a United Benefice telephone service of Evening Prayer, for joining instructions please private message us on or email contact.christchurchwheelock@gmail.com
From Thursday 26th March our Pilgrim Lent courses restart by group telephone chat. For joining instructions please private message us on or email contact.christchurchwheelock@gmail.com
Yesterday evening the Prime Minister updated advise on Church opening...all churches to close, all 3 churches will be closed as from today until the restrictions are lifted.
We will continue to bring you alternate services via Facebook, this website and Telephone conference call technology and are currently looking at options to introduce new additions following on from last weeks successful morning worship (live stream) and evening worship (telephone).
The distribution of service sheets and notices sheets is being discussed and will be advertised when a decision has been made
Yesterday evening the CoE updated advice on funerals...close family only, no over 70s if possible, telephone contact to plan and no get together afterwards. Services of Thanksgiving to take place when restrictions are lifted
18.3.2020. This Sunday, it's Mothering Sunday.
We have three alternate forms of Worship coming to you this week.
We have created a weekly newsletter that we will be publishing on Facebook from Sunday morning. Copies will be emailed to as many of the congregations as we can and hard copies will be delivered to other members of our regular congregation by or on Sunday.
This will feature a Bible reading, Prayers and a Reflection from Vicar Jane or one of the team across the Benefice.
We hope you enjoy this week’s reflection from Rev Canon Bill Baker.
If you would like a copy each week please let us know and a copy can be sent each week to you by email.
At 9.30am, St Matthews, Haslington and St Michael's, Crewe Green will be live streaming a new service of Worship for All the Church Family. Please join us on our Facebook Page for this.
At 10.45am Vicar Jane will be live streaming from Christ Church Wheelock.
At 4.30pm we are trialling our brand new service of Evening Worship. This worship will be conducted by telephone, if you would like to join us, please send a private message or contact us by email with your name and contact number.
This is a trial and if successful we will be introducing a United Benefice Evening Worship by phone every Wednesday at 7pm.
With every blessing!
From the Benefice Team
With immediate effect all public worship has been placed on hold at St Matthew’s Haslington and St Michael’s Crewe Green, following the recommendations of the Archbishops.
What does this mean?
On Sunday this week St Matthew’s will be open from 9.30 am for private prayer but our morning services have been cancelled. We will however be streaming using Facebook an alternative service. Our hope is that each Sunday until we can come together in fellowship at St Matthew’s, we will continue to stream live worship from St Matthew’s.
We will also be producing and sharing a weekly devotional, 'Your Word for the Week'. The first of these will be available this Sunday and will feature a reflection from Rev Canon Bill Baker. This will be available on Facebook and we will be delivering printed copies for those of you who cannot come to church.
Please follow us on Facebook to keep up to date with the latest information. More details to follow...
With Every Blessing.
Breaking News from the Benefice
We are all seeing so much in the news with regards to the Corona Virus and its development, we wanted to share with you the plans we are putting into place at St Matthew’s and St Michael’s.
All Sunday services will continue as normal this Sunday – Mothering Sunday. However general precautions started last week and will continue as follows.
As you enter church there is hand sanitiser available and we will be asking everyone to use the hand washing facilities.
During the next few weeks, we have been recommended to reduce physical contact as a result the following are in place:-
We will not be having tea and coffee after each service, but everyone is welcome to stay and chat as normal.
During the Peace we will not be exchanging handshakes but will exchange the peace verbally or with recommended had signs.
We will not be passing around the collection plate, this will be available at the back of church for a retiring collection.
At our Communion services we will only be administering in one kind i.e. no sharing of the chalice.
We have taken the decision to cancel Messy Church this weekend and hope this will restart later in the year. Cameo, the Coffee Morning and Quiz Night are also under discussions to cancel. Please look out for notices of other events that are likely to be cancelled as well.
Members of the 3 PCC's from St Matthews, Haslington, St Michaels Crewe Green and Christ Church met on 16th March with Vicar Jane to review our plans over the coming weeks as we face the uncertainty of the Corona Virus.
We are committed to keeping our Sunday morning services for anyone wishing to attend, and will keep you updated should this change. Discussions will be encouraged at St Michael’s this Sunday to decide if their services should continue in their present form. St Matthew’s will endeavour to continue as normal.
For those who are preferring not to come to church or are self isolating we are working on a number of options to maintain contact with you and introduce new ways to worship together including a weekly newsletter featuring readings, prayers, reflections and news for the week.
On the 29th March we will also be trialling Live streaming our United Service on Facebook. This is new for most of us in the congregation so please bear with us.
We are in the process of setting up a pastoral contact groups maintaining weekly contact with our regular congregation and anyone else in the community that is in need of support. We have been moved by how many individuals in the local community are already volunteering to support their neighbours.
We have chosen to postpone any activities at church On Wednesday this week we will have one further Lent group at both Christ Church and the vicarage and will postpone any further sessions.
We are reviewing the situation as it develops and changes and will keep you updated.
Please contact the Vicar or Church Wardens if you have any further questions, or require help in any way.